Behind the scenes, Messinet Secure Services has been working diligently to complete the migration from EGroupware to Horde Groupware to enhance the user experience with web-based services such as calendars, contacts, email, etc. And while it’s been eerily quiet on front end, there has been a lot of activity on the back end.
Since that migration was completed a few weeks ago, we have been investigating various website management systems in an effort to replace EGroupware’s Site Manager module with something that would allow us to focus on simplicity, standards compliance, and sustainability in terms of our public-facing websites. We have decided to use Jekyll as a formidable replacement which suits our needs and will allow us to simplify our processes. This announcement signifies that the final piece of the puzzle is in place, and we have completed the content migration from EGroupware to Jekyll.
So long, EGroupware, and Thanks for All the Fish!